About This Game DEAD SECRET is a first-person horror mystery set in rural Kansas in 1965. "This is a bizarre experience." -- SWERY, director of Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die.Who killed Harris Bullard?A reclusive man with a mysterious past is dead and it's up to you to crack the case. Investigate the crime scene, uncover secret documents, and piece together the puzzle to name his killer. But keep your wits about you: nothing is as it seems and you are not alone. Bullard took his secrets to the grave. Somebody wants them to stay there.DEAD SECRET is designed for both traditional and virtual reality play. This game includes a free unlock code for the Oculus Rift version.Features Uncover the complex and mysterious history of the victim by investigating his highly detailed home for clues. Find items, solve puzzles, and collect evidence to name the murderer and make headlines. Discover the late professor's strange devices and use them to explore the deepest recesses of your subconscious. But watch out: a masked murderer is hot on your trail. Don't let him corner you or it's all over. Five different endings to unlock! 6d5b4406ea Title: Dead SecretGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Robot InvaderPublisher:Robot InvaderRelease Date: 28 Mar, 2016 Dead Secret Crack Full Version Download If you like point and click adventure and vr games, Dead secret is for you.I really liked the puzzles in it and the story kept me hooked pretty easily.The big weakness of that game is it's lenght, 16$ for 2 hours of gameplay is poor.Good thing I got it in a bundle.. This game is really good! Really scary at times too! Great adventure, story and progression. Very slow movement, but alas the gameworld isn't that big, so it's not too big of an issue.BUT: I cannot recommend a game that hasa) no ingame quality settingsb) and\/or doesn't adhere to the SteamVR resolution settings -> you can set to 500% if you want; nothing's gonna changeMaybe that's a theme with those Unity engine games, cause every other such game had the same problem. Idk. Idc(are).
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