About This Game Elementium is a puzzle mind game. Manage the world of illusions and solve puzzles based on illusions and physics. Unique game mechanics for manipulation are available to you, starting with ordinary objects and ending with physical laws. Whether it's an ordinary cube or a planet, now everything is in your hands!Features:More then 40 levelsSandbox modeManagement of time, gravity, fire, planets and much more!Unique puzzlesExcellent graphic 7aa9394dea Title: ElementiumGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:Ignite studioPublisher:Ignite studioRelease Date: 2 Feb, 2018 Elementium Android Apk Download Okay, firstly, I do hope the developer takes the time to read these reviews. He\/she has some real potential with this game, but it still requires some work.As it stands right now, I cannot recommend this game. The mechanics need a good polishing to really be usable. Seriously.. Adding scroll funtionality to drag the objects in your hand even slightly forward\/backward would make the controls so much more friendly. The game could so benefit from SOME sort of context... It feels like you are playing Portal with GLADoS muted. The map quality is GOOD, but ultimately bland. And the lighting is so overly saturated that it feels like you are playing a J.J. Abraams movie. And the fact that the desktop icon for the game is still the default Unreal logo... I just feel like the dev should have put more time into it before cashing out.Overall... As the game stands I would give it a 4\/10. If the game were to get a little more love and learn how to captivate its players, it has the potential to be something fun and unique.. Elementium is the kind of game I expect to see on \/r\/Indie where the developer doesn't seem to understand why it isn't selling. The fact of the matter is that this game barely qualifies as such, playing like an early alpha rather than a game you're paying full price for. These are the kinds of titles that Early Access is designed to help, the ones where the developer has an idea they want to explore but hasn't got a clue about how to make it fun. Further the extreme lack of polish on nearly all elements makes me think that this game didn't see any external play testing\u00a0at all as there's no way any of these issues made it past even the most forgiving of family members. I tried to keep an open mind when I was playing Elementium, figuring that there had to be a point somewhere along the lines where it started to really come into its own. That time never came and here I am, 4 hours in the hole without much to show for it. Honestly Ignite Studios, if you're reading this, email me: therefinedgeek@gmail.com, you sound like you need the help.Read my full review here: https:\/\/www.therefinedgeek.com.au\/index.php\/2018\/02\/18\/elementium-what-you-find-in-the-depths-of-steams-new-releases\/. It is a great game like portal series but i have a big problem every level where there are explosive item the game has crashed when it explode. i reinstall and uninstall more times but dosent help.. TL:DR:One of the coolest puzzle game mechanics I've seen in a long time. Difficulty ramps up very slowly, with new mechanics getting introduced every ~10 levels. Graphics look really nice, but textures get repetitive after a while. No glitches or gameplay issues in the ~40 minutes or so I've played so far. Pretty decent game for what I've seen so far, I'd recommend at a discounted price.First Impression Gameplay: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yIhY0aq3khY&feature=youtu.beThe beautiful steam pictures are what prompted me to grab this. Plus I'm a huge fan of puzzle games, so I was quite hopeful this would be good going in. So far it's been pretty decent, though I'm only 40 minutes in. There is a really cool game mechanic which I feel is worth it just to play with. I wont give it away and ruin that Aha! moment.Controls are basic but sufficient for what this game is. Pick up objects, release them, and rotate. I do wish there was a sprint button however. Otherwise, controls are responsive with no issues.Audio is good, with mostly environmental ambient noises and interaction sound effects. No vocals or voice overs as of yet.The graphics do look very nice, but wow is there a ton of ambient occlusion. It looks good though, don't get me wrong. Biggest complaint I have in the graphics department is that all the levels look very similar. Sure we see some water and other changes here and there, but it just feels repetitive.Without going into detail and ruining the cool game mechanic, I can say that difficulty starts off very easy and kind of hovers there for a few levels. It takes like 9 levels before we move on from box stacking to button pressing. But hey, can we really complain about more levels?One of the things which let me down was a lack of detail when progressing from stage to stage and death. If you touch water the game just freezes with a "you died" box popping up. No fade to black or anything simple even. Felt jarring. Also, you enter these teleporter rings to progress after each stage, but you don't actually get to enter them. It just freezes once you touch one and boom next level. Would of been cool to step inside and hear some kind of transport noise or something. I know these are little complaints, but hey it bugged me.Overall, the game is satisfying for fellow first person puzzle solving enthusiasts. I can recommend this title, but grab it now while it's discounted, since $15 is on the high end of what I would normally pay for this.
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