About This Game Magic has been banned from the great Underground Empire of Zork. By edict of the Grand Inquisitor Mir Yannick, the Empire has been sealed off and the practice of mystic arts declared punishable by "Totemization" (a very bad thing). The only way to restore magic to the kingdom is to find three hidden artifacts: The Coconut of Quendor, The Cube of Foundation, and The Skull of Yoruk.Join forces with Dungeon Master Dalboz who calls you "AFGNCAAP"( politically-correct initialism for "Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person") and together you travel throughout the Underground Empire's many locations, such as Hades, Flood Control Dam #3 and The Dungeon Master's Lair in an attempt to find the three missing artifacts and bring about the fall of the Inquisition.Zork: Grand Inquisitor is the last installment of the famous Zork adventure series. It uses the same formula as its predecessor: first-person perspective, 360 degree camera rotation, pre-rendered backgrounds, and live actors. Humor and comical pop-culture references accompany you throughout the entire game and guarantee that you will never get bored. So if you are looking for a not so serious oldschool adventure then this gem is for you.Stunning graphics and enchanting music absorb you into over 30 unique 360⁰ environmentsLive action video and voice acting by stars such as Dirk Benedict, Michael McKean and David LanderrVisit the famous landmarks that made Zork legendary. Enlist the aid of three fantastic characters on your magic quest through Zork a09c17d780 Title: Zork: Grand InquisitorGenre: AdventureDeveloper:ActivisionPublisher:ActivisionRelease Date: 31 Oct, 1997 Zork: Grand Inquisitor Activation Code [Crack Serial Key PLayed it as a kid, still love it as an adult!. The adventures of AFGNCAAP!PROS: As far as point & click adventures go, the visuals are wonderful. Most pop out to help display a picture of the areas that you're in. The music does a decent job conveying the mood. The standouts are the voice actors & the FMV's. Erick Avari & Michael McKean deserve special mention for their charismatic, humorous, and charming rolls at Mir Yannick and Dalboz of Gurth, respectively, selling their roles as the villain & the hero's...assistant, I suppose. The humor is also on point, especially for those who are fans of Monty Python styled human mingled in with classic Zork moments.CONS: As with many games from this era, bringing it up on modern equipment can be lacking. There are little to no option adjustment options, & the visuals have a fair bit of artifacting around them. The major problem would be a bit of a divide between it's puzzles, as the game is a fair bit easier than many point & click adventure games of it's time, but still has the occasional odd puzzle that can throw one off, unless they've been checking everything they can. For me, it falls on the easy side of things. Added onto the fact that, like many games in this genre, it's a one & done experience. A single play through can show you everything in the game, leaving no real reason to go back to it.FINAL: Zork Grand Inquisitor is a wonderful finale for the Zork series, going back to more light-hearted roots after the surprisingly dark Zork Nemesis. With simple gameplay, solid humor, & a well acted strip, ZGI is easily a game that any fan of point & click adventures should play at least once.. This game is an old favourite. I grew up watching my dad play it, and occasionally load my own save for a few hours before he got home. To be honest, if you wern't playing it in the 90s you probably wont get past the graphics, but if you can, it is a brilliant game with a real humour and character.. Look I'm gonna be honest - I grew up with this game so I have got a big ol' pair of nostalgia goggles on right now. But ZGI is one of the funniest \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665in' adventure games I have ever played, and I love it so, so much.The basic plot is that you're a magical vacuum cleaner salesperson trying to overthrow a facist dictator. And, uh, yeah. The game is every bit as 90's as it sounds.It's got outdated CGI. It's got goofy FMV segments and actors. There are ridiculous game overs, such as getting yourself killed by accidentally turning yourself into a paperweight and teleporting to New Jersey. There's a spell that exists for the sole purpose of turning purple things invisible. And there's a good chance you'll get stuck on a puzzle because you didn't realize the object you needed was on the floor of a room you spent two seconds in.All that stuff is part of the charm for me. It's like the video game equivalent of a b-movie.But if you prefer adventure games with a less-weird art style, a more obvious sense of direction, or no game-overs you might wanna pick up something more modern or LucasArts-y.(Also - this Steam version is functionally identical to the GOG version. It's been patched so that the screen pans at a normal speed, and not at the whiplash inducing pace of the CD version.). Zork: Grand Inquisitor is a point and click adventure game that allows the player to have a 360 degree view of the majority of the pre-rendered locations. You find yourself outside of Port Foozle where a inquisition has begun. Magic has been banned and those who practice it are being totemized. Your quest is to find three magic items that will restore the empire to it's formal glory and defeat the tyrannical dictator, Mir Yannick. Pros:Graphics are okay (for the day)A great deal of puzzles to solveNon-linearSimple controlsActing is decentMany hours of gameplayPuzzles range from easy to 'Are you kidding me?'Cons:Screen shots are disabledMouse sensitivity is too highSome of the Characters are annoying as hellToo much sillinessSome puzzles have no logic behind themPuzzles range from easy to 'Are you kidding me?'The last pro is also listed as a con. The reason being, there are many puzzles in this game, most of them have a logically solution, but there are some that just don't make much sense. Fortunately, they are in the minority. One or two of them, however, are absolutely stupid and had me shaking my head in disbelief.I played this game on the heals of Zork Nemesis, the predecessor of Grand Inquisitor, a much more serious game. It seems to me that some of the players didn't care for some of the adult material in Nemesis because the text versions where some what comical. So the developers took that to mean, 'Lets make this game on the level of slapstick.' Unfortunately, it didn't play out very well... at least in my opinion it didn't.Along with the over the top comical attempt, you have to deal with some of the most annoying voice actors on the face of the planet. Don't get me wrong, as with the senseless puzzles, these people are in the minority as well but they will in chime in with the same line every time you change position. The part that stands in my mind is when you're in the mouth of the dragon.At first, I downvoted this game but I had a change of heart. It did keep me busy for 11 hours and I did have some fun playing it.At the time of this review, Zork: Grand Inquisitor was selling for $5.99. If it weren't for the over the top silliness, I would have liked this game much MUCH better. But if your in the mood for a goofy, challenging game, then this game is for you.. thank you for lettling me re live one of my all time favorit games from my childhood!!!not a long game but still worth your time!. What can I say that hasn't been said already? A hilarious, endearing point-and-click adventure with tons of meta humor and plenty of laughs throughout.Only issue I have is with mouse sensitivity. The pointer will randomly jump to the other side of the screen. Otherwise, a fun game overall.
Zork: Grand Inquisitor Activation Code [Crack Serial Key
Updated: Mar 12, 2020